Dirt Treaders

Taking a shit
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Author:  McLovin [ Fri Jul 20, 2012 6:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Taking a shit

Now you're talking sense, whether it works or not. My thoughts on all the SDMBA drama lately has been... bitch all you want, but unless people actually try to make an effort to fix what's broken and do it better than the organization they despise... it's all just a waste of time/breathe/whatever.

Author:  his highness [ Fri Jul 20, 2012 7:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Taking a shit

Canaan wrote:
his highness wrote:
why? the SDMBA people are all over it, they got it covered.

In for a penny, in for a pound, so here goes -- how did things work out for you at TW?

edit: I take that back -- at least you cared enough to try.

Kimba wrote:
Just go ride TW and find out for yourself.

yep, still going strong.....but in all seriousness, and honesty; I didnt do enough....i could have and should have done more, and trust me, it eats me up every day.
but the true root of the problem wasnt my lack of trying, nor was it the resistance we met from the land manager....odly enough it was the resistance we met from a good portion of our own DH kind....they didnt want to subject one bit, not even in the least possible way. so due to that, we were unable to reach a final accord with the land manager.
i know now, and realized this in retrospect, that i should have done more and tried harder within our own ranks....not with the land manager.
and i will never take it away from SDMBA, they helped us a lot. but ultimately i got wind (or was told) of an ulterior motive or agenda they had going for TW...whether it was true or not, i do not know and i do not care. it doesnt change the fact that they helped.
my resentment with them, and i shouldnt even call it resentment,but rather displeasure, was that for as big as they claim to be, as much as they claim to represent, they dont accurately or truly represent it...DH in reference here. but that is neither here nor there....its water under the bridge, and i'm sure they have learned form their mistakes, as I have from mine.

i agree with your post and call to action abzillah, however my personal advice for the best strategy here would simply be this;
united we stand, divided we fall....thats it.

i'll help you in whichever form i can....you can count on that. but until we all get together and unite under one common goal, we will never succeed.

Author:  McLovin [ Fri Jul 20, 2012 10:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Taking a shit

I can't believe I'm saying this... but Italo is right. :wink:

Author:  Mpmffitz [ Sun Jul 22, 2012 7:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Taking a shit

Canaan wrote this regarding an Oregon Thread!!

San Diegans take note of the message in the first photo -- Great Trails Don't Build Themselves.

Author:  slingshot [ Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Taking a shit

We need a strong leader to lead us into battle. I think you are on the right track Abz. I don't think we need to elect anyone, just start gathering a group of like minded people into a "Strike force", piont your sword at places trails should be and trails will be there. I'm in. If enough of us build what can they do?

Braveheart is a perfect analogy for the city, sdmba, and the mountain bike comunity.

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