Dirt Treaders

Black Canyon Trail
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Author:  Inconceivable [ Tue Oct 20, 2020 10:22 am ]
Post subject:  Black Canyon Trail

Hey all,

A buddy of mine is doing a solo bikepacking trip on the Black Canyon Trail in November. This trail is north of Phoenix and a full description is here:


- 67 miles over 3 days
- 100% singletrack
- IMBA Epic ride

He plans to ride it north to south (since that's mostly downhill) and will get a shuttle back to his car from his sister. I believe this is his first backpacking trip.

Has anybody done this? Or have particular tips about this trail or bikepacking in particular that I can pass along?


Author:  OldDogDan [ Tue Oct 20, 2020 1:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Canyon Trail

Tom liked it.
I bet Evan has done it too. It sounds good to me, and Your buddy will like it. There are lots of online bikepacking resources. If one has both mountain biked and backpacked a few times, then you can do it. You should go with him!

Author:  tfitz [ Tue Oct 20, 2020 2:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Canyon Trail

Thanks old dog. I don’t wish bike packing on anyone. If you can join him is probably the best help we can offer. I loved doing the packing thing but got lazy and have been setting up camping sites along the way on any multiple day trips. This trail is a good trail for setting up camping it has access. You can get a lot farther and it is easier to ride with out baggage. I would pick a trail with no access if I was to do it again. That said this is a good trail for beginner bike packing you have a few outs and you get cell service some time.

Author:  k2rider [ Tue Oct 20, 2020 6:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Canyon Trail

I'm sure @evdog or his pal @schillingsworth have done this route.

Author:  evdog [ Tue Oct 20, 2020 11:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Canyon Trail

We have done it, in one (long) day. http://schillingsworth.blogspot.com/201 ... erson.html

And I've done various segments as day rides quite a few times. It's a really nice ride. Some people skip the northern most section Russian Well from Orme Rd which is too bad. Aside from the first 2-3 miles which is double track it's nice, narrow singletrack. I'd definitely include it. The last 6 miles from New River Rd to Hwy 74 is even less ridden as its sandy double track and hard to follow. Not recommended unless you're set on riding every mile of trail. We registered 73 miles of BCT that day which excluded New River to 74.

Not much to say in terms of tips. Most of the trail will be dry in Nov as the smaller streams probably won't be running. There are 3 crossings of the Agua Fria river so he can filter water from those. The only place for food is Rock Springs Cafe in Black Canyon City. I think there is a gas station there too. He could check it out on the way up and make verify. Doing the ride in 2 days is very doable. The best part of bikepacking is he can keep riding until he doesn't feel like riding anymore.

Author:  k2rider [ Wed Oct 21, 2020 12:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Canyon Trail

There's definitely a gas station next to the RS cafe as I've got gas there after getting some chocolate cream pie next door. :) I've personally only ridden an extended version of the Little Pan Loop. I think it was 31 miles and 3400 ft of climbing we did. Much longer than expected and I was happy to be done. We had to cross the river at thigh height 3 times.

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