Dirt Treaders

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Author:  Robo [ Mon Nov 01, 2010 9:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SDMBA

Red Hot Sloth wrote:
Why dos SDMBA have a link to them on their website?

Where is this?

Author:  Red Hot Sloth [ Mon Nov 01, 2010 9:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SDMBA

Robo wrote:
Red Hot Sloth wrote:
Why dos SDMBA have a link to them on their website?

Where is this?

Looks like it was removed..good move. Last time I was on SDMBA's site (earlier this year) there was a link to them under links and forums.

Author:  Kimba [ Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SDMBA

Many of us ride and live in North County. Recently, at Calavera there has been sign posting and now I hear there will be MORE fencing installed. I personally would like to know in a public forum (as opposed to hearsay) what SDMBA's official position is on these developments, and what is being done to protect our access to this historic riding area. SDMBA has done much good work in other areas. What about Calavera?

Author:  badkittyjing [ Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SDMBA

Is there a Calavera liaison on SDMBA? If not, then I doubt there will be an official stance on it.

Author:  moondogg [ Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SDMBA

Kimba wrote:
Many of us ride and live in North County. Recently, at Calavera there has been sign posting and now I hear there will be MORE fencing installed. I personally would like to know in a public forum (as opposed to hearsay) what SDMBA's official position is on these developments, and what is being done to protect our access to this historic riding area. SDMBA has done much good work in other areas. What about Calavera?

SDMBA does not currently have an active liaison at Calavera, although I try to keep in the loop as to what is going on out there. Are you talking about the City of Carlsbad land around the lake or DFG land?

Author:  his highness [ Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SDMBA

badkittyjing wrote:
Is there a Calavera liaison on SDMBA? If not, then I doubt there will be an official stance on it.

Well if there isnt one, i can only imagine that it would be a fantabulous idea to designate one at the next meeting...... seems like a great time and place to practice what they preach......which is advocacy right?

Just sayin......not calling anyone out.

Author:  badkittyjing [ Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SDMBA

I'm not trying to be preachy about it either, but it's a lesson I've slowly learned...

There aren't enough people to go around. Who are they going to designate as the Calavera liaison? While there are plenty of members willing to pay to be members, there aren't very many members that actually participate, except for a trail day here and there (which I don't participate in). I've been to a couple meetings and there aren't that many people that ever show up and it's very boring to listen to, so after the last one I went to, I haven't been since and I don't have to anymore (I participate in meetings within a different organization within SDMBA). As it is, the members that do participate have more than one "job" within the association.

I don't ride Calaveras very often (heck, I think I've only ridden it three times ever, I think), so even if I was interested in being a liaison (which I'm not), I wouldn't volunteer to be the Calavera liaison. It's gotta be someone who lives there, uses it frequently, and wants to go through the red tape BS of dealing with the ranger or city official. I good at neither of those.

Here's an example:
Within the bike park org, we needed someone to reach out to Todd Gloria, the councilmember of District 3, which includes Balboa Park. We tossed around ideas of who should do it, but it needed to be someone who lived in District 3. So, Wendi (mtbgurlsd) stepped up to the plate and we're in the process of getting on his Calendar. But, others will be there for support (even if they don't live in District 3) as they are more knowledgeable when it comes to bikepark stuff, red tape stuff, etc.

Author:  his highness [ Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SDMBA


nice way to lay it out there.....i truly respect that.
no BS, just straight and forward....we need more of that!

what are the full requirements for a liaison? perhaps if there is a clear and defined criteria list posted, some people will be able to step up and help...

Author:  badkittyjing [ Mon Sep 26, 2011 10:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SDMBA

That I don't know. Maybe one of the SDMBA Board Members or a liaison for another area can answer that.

Author:  chuckanado [ Mon Sep 26, 2011 10:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SDMBA

To add to what badkitty said, keep in mind that SDMBA is a volunteer organization. As such, they have no way to appoint or designate anyone for any particular job - all they can do is express a need and ask for a volunteer. Somebody has to step up that's willing to put in a lot of time and frustration, and then risk getting slammed on the interwebz for not doing enough, or not reacting fast enough, or not doing it the way someone else expects them to.

Just like badkitty, I've been to a few meetings and came away with the realization that it can be a long, boring, tedious process to get much of anything done - especially when dealing with the myriad bureaucracies that are usually involved. So... to those who do volunteer, I for one would like to offer a big THANK YOU!

Author:  Kimba [ Mon Sep 26, 2011 10:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SDMBA

moondogg wrote:
Kimba wrote:
Many of us ride and live in North County. Recently, at Calavera there has been sign posting and now I hear there will be MORE fencing installed. I personally would like to know in a public forum (as opposed to hearsay) what SDMBA's official position is on these developments, and what is being done to protect our access to this historic riding area. SDMBA has done much good work in other areas. What about Calavera?

SDMBA does not currently have an active liaison at Calavera, although I try to keep in the loop as to what is going on out there. Are you talking about the City of Carlsbad land around the lake or DFG land?

Both areas Matt. I understand the lack of manpower issue and will be the first to admit that aside from trailwork events I have little to no time to devote to advocacy. That is why I pay in since that is something I can do. I thought there was a Calavera liason but maybe that has changed.

Author:  moondogg [ Mon Sep 26, 2011 11:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SDMBA

Kimba wrote:
moondogg wrote:
Kimba wrote:
Many of us ride and live in North County. Recently, at Calavera there has been sign posting and now I hear there will be MORE fencing installed. I personally would like to know in a public forum (as opposed to hearsay) what SDMBA's official position is on these developments, and what is being done to protect our access to this historic riding area. SDMBA has done much good work in other areas. What about Calavera?

SDMBA does not currently have an active liaison at Calavera, although I try to keep in the loop as to what is going on out there. Are you talking about the City of Carlsbad land around the lake or DFG land?

Both areas Matt. I understand the lack of manpower issue and will be the first to admit that aside from trailwork events I have little to no time to devote to advocacy. That is why I pay in since that is something I can do. I thought there was a Calavera liason but maybe that has changed.

Fencing and signage on the City of Carlsbad land is a part of the ongoing implementation of the Lake Calavera Trails Master Plan that was approved in 2009. The City of Carlsbad hired CNLM to manage Lake Calavera Preserve and implement the Master Plan. SDMBA and a group of local riders participated in the public comment portion of the Master Plan. During that process SDMBA and local riders got all trails to be multi-use and added 1.5 or so miles of singletrack to the trails plan. (http://dirttreaders.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=3028&hilit=+calavera) The public had an opportunity to comment, SDMBA participated and achieved a few victories and now the City and CNLM are implementing the Master Plan.

As for DFG, SDMBA is not in communication with the preserve manager for Carlsbad Highlands Ecological Reserve which is the DFG portion of "Calavera".

Author:  jSatch [ Mon Sep 26, 2011 1:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SDMBA

i've only been to calavera once and was impressed with the extent of singletrack.

but for those more in the know of the area, is there a map, or link to a map, of the 'Lake Calavera Trails Master Plan', including fencing?

this may aid in understanding present and future plans, including what will be lost, or gained in the process.

thank you.

Author:  his highness [ Mon Sep 26, 2011 1:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SDMBA

for the first time ever, I gotta disagree with you jSatch.....fuck the map, fuck the plan and fuck the fence. too much talking and pointing to maps...time to start appearing at city council meeting, writing letters to the mayor, building dirtjumps in city hall's petunia garden...etc.
have we not had enough of our trails closed and sanitized?
its time to switch tactics here guys......someone needs to yell fire since apparently we are all just sitting around jerking off to our trails getting fucked with.




Author:  Canaan [ Mon Sep 26, 2011 2:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SDMBA

Either that or sit back, do nothing, and then blame SDMBA (either directly or indirectly) for not doing enough/doing the wrong thing/conspiring with the truly responsible party.

edit: removed upward-pointing arrows, because this should not have been directed specifically at hh.

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