Dirt Treaders

Scaphoid bone graft surgery recovery time?
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Author:  craptasticyler [ Mon May 24, 2010 6:57 pm ]
Post subject:  how's the recovery?

just-rydn wrote:
Alright...T-Minus 24:00 Hrs. before going under the knife and drill. I have surgery scheduled for tomorrow. Here is how the next 24 hrs will go for me.

How's the recovery coming? Enjoying the percocet :thumbsup: ?

Author:  TCB [ Tue May 25, 2010 12:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Scaphoid bone graft surgery recovery time?

Update on my wrest, I saw my orthopedic surgeon today Dr. Drew Peterson, after looking at the lack of progress with healing he gave me three options, allow scar tissue to form around the bone and hope it holds the bone in place, second option is surgery to remove the Scaphoid and fuse two adjoining bones together, this would leave me with 60% movement in my wrest and will take 6 month to fully heal, the third option is to see another Dr, so I just made in appointment with Dr. Gregory R Mack to get another opinion, Dr. Mack is said be a specialist with Scaphoid fractures.

Author:  Red Hot Sloth [ Wed May 26, 2010 10:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Scaphoid bone graft surgery recovery time?

Damn..that sucks, Im sorry to hear it.

Author:  craptasticyler [ Wed May 26, 2010 11:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Scaphoid bone graft surgery recovery time?

wow sorry to hear that, maybe the new doc will know about some new treatment options.

From talking to my doc (Dr Merlin Hamer out of Scripps) leaving a broken scaphoid alone will eventually without question lead to arthritis, google SNAC wrist.

He pointed out that the question is how long it takes - he said some people go over 20 years without much trouble; in my case my scaphoid started to die and collapes in under a year. He also said there is a potential risk of partial wrist fusions failing, and after that its a full fusion / ripping out a row of carpal bones or something like that.

If the doc doesn't have any new tricks up his sleeve maybe ask if there is any merit to just leaving it alone untill the arthritis forces you to do something about it later on down the road. Maybe with all your scar tissue it won't become a problem untill you are old enough not to give a damn anyway lol

Hope it works out for you!

Author:  craptasticyler [ Mon Jun 21, 2010 9:57 am ]
Post subject:  Scaphoid surgery cost

At the risk of becoming a hurt locker post whore....

All the billing is finally squared away, so if anyone is intrested in the cost of a scaphoid vascular bone graft surgery here you go. Might be good info if anyone ever has to go in without insurance - it looks like with some bargaining you can get 1/2 off whatever the bill actually is. Not so sure how I feel about "50% off surgery" though lol

costs.JPG [ 104.82 KiB | Viewed 17809 times ]

No real update on healing, had my 2 month follow up a couple of weeks ago and nothing much to report. Doc said there might, maybe, be a sign of a little healing, in one spot... Doesn't sound overly encouraging, go back again July 7th.


Edit for update without bumping the thread: 3 months, looked identical to 2 months. Not looking too good...

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Author:  craptasticyler [ Wed Aug 11, 2010 10:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Scaphoid bone graft surgery recovery time?

4 1/2 months now, no new healing...

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But, doc put me in a splint this time which is good in my book.

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Get a CT scan this week to see what's up. Doc said if it looks like 50% or more healed he'll just let me go. From his body language and just looking at the big dark line still on the xray I don't think he's expecting it to look that good, we'll see what happens from there...

Author:  craptasticyler [ Fri Oct 15, 2010 2:11 pm ]
Post subject:  can vs should

So - quick update, CT scan showed a more or less 1/2 way complete bone, still have a failry large dead / cyst section inside of bone and doc was ready to just give up and say "see how well it holds up" at this appointment - but then while reviewing the Xray all of a sudden saw a little new bone growth. Said there are no gurantees, but instead of giving up I should keep it in the splint when doing any activities and see if it keeps healing, but it's completely stable with enough solid bone to go around the house / wtch TV and whatnot without it.

I took that to mean it was "OK" to do activities lol - so figured the risk of doing a short road ride with the splint on was pretty small and far outweighed the downside of how fat I'm getting - so rode up to sycamore. Suprisingly after surgery and 6 months in cast / splint the ride didn't hurt (I take off splint every day while showering so I've had a while to get it loosened back up), i wasn't really putting much weight on the left hand and road riding with 5 inches travel is pretty low impact - and DAMN it felt good to ride again.

Don't think i'll make a habit of riding as one fall could theoretically wreck 6 months of healing, but it's good to know that once he does realeas me for full activity I should be able to get back on the dirt pretty quick.

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Author:  OldDogDan [ Fri Oct 15, 2010 8:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Scaphoid bone graft surgery recovery time?

Congratulations on some progress! My doctor just released me this week to start riding. Ahem...I've be been riding for three weeks now. But in my case it was a straightforward screw job, good x-rays, good PT progress. Nonetheless, I was still worried about doing damage while riding. You have to feed the biking jones, but do be careful -- and it sounds like you are. Hope the good results continue!

Author:  mongooseboy [ Wed Oct 20, 2010 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Scaphoid bone graft surgery recovery time?

Good to hear you're. back on the bike.

Author:  EBasil [ Fri Mar 04, 2011 7:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Scaphoid bone graft surgery recovery time?

Hey, what's the recovery/time like on the graft-donor site? Looks like I might have to have my collar bone grafted to repair my break from last year that misaligned and didn't join.

Author:  craptasticyler [ Sat Mar 05, 2011 9:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Scaphoid bone graft surgery recovery time?

I had a vascular bone graft from the end of my radius bone I think, and the scaphoid took so long to heal I was still in a cast long after it had all filled back in. I'm guessing they'd take yours from the iliac crest or whatever the hip bone area is called, and all I know about that one is what I've read on the internets. Sorry.

Author:  stillcole [ Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Scaphoid bone graft surgery recovery time?

So whats up everyone? This is an old post but I thought it would be worth it to see how everyone ended up healing up after a few years.

I am actually going in to have my second surgery on my scaphoid here soon. I had a standard pin and bone graft the first time but the bone failed to fuse together, so I think thye are going to try a vascularized bone graft. I hear the healing time sucks (like 6mos-1year) but I just want the damn thing healed. Did you all get healed up?? are you still riding?? I would really like to know.

Author:  ScottK [ Tue Aug 27, 2013 1:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Scaphoid bone graft surgery recovery time?

Hey - yeah mine healed up fine / been riding ever since. Will never do a flat handed push up again but other than that no problems other than getting a bit sore on longer rides sometimes. I think healing depends on how collapsed / jacked up your bone is to begin with? Mine kinda just stopped getting better after a few months but the doc kept me in the cast to give it best shot at holding together. I actually still have (or had?) a dead spot of bone in there but it doesn't seem to be causing me any issues.

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