Dirt Treaders

Dirt Sponsors: skywalker
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Author:  Ld00d [ Wed Mar 05, 2014 11:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dirt Sponsors: skywalker

It makes sense to proceed with caution. This isn't benefitting *anyone* so far. Giving a gift of new components is a lot easier to me because we would have direct control over how the money is spent.

We could, perhaps, purchase a gas card...

DWill: there's a link for payment on the first post of this thread.

Author:  Augdogg [ Wed Mar 05, 2014 3:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dirt Sponsors: skywalker

Please forgive my lay men's/ignorance for following statement. I found it interesting how the flow of the whole point unwound when perspectives, input, gestures, and ideas were introduced ( or politics ).
The idea was:
" To shave .02 secs off of someone's time and make them faster by way of reducing weight" which I believe in the cycling mind is an approach.

Someone offered up this thought and his own personal solution at a cost to himself and if agreed upon, a small financial testament would be made as more of a gesture. There were technical challenges however so forfeit the org plan and keep the wheel turning.

Donations were offered up to again reignite the org plan and the word " Sponsorship" is inacted, which now brews added schools of thought to a once pure sediment, and opens the door for more talking, more delay, more rules, more confusion.

Truth is, no one has to do anything for anyone. Any time or effort directed is not for the benefit of anyone else. All or none of what's offered needs to be accepted. There is no need to think for someone else if scrutiny is apart of the thought process.

Sometimes a forward flow just brings you back to the beginning. He never asked, and I'm sure no one ever asked him, "what kind of help/support would you like?" Focused efforts get better results.

Hope I didn't offend anyone and if I did, there's medication for that.

Author:  his highness [ Wed Mar 05, 2014 7:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dirt Sponsors: skywalker

dammit people!!!....at least let me get my popcorn first before you all start flinging poo at each other!!!



Author:  skywalker [ Wed Mar 05, 2014 7:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dirt Sponsors: skywalker

This is Skylar's parents talking, we would like to address all of you involved in this sponsorship thread. We greatly appreciate your generosity and kindness toward our son, whether it be monetary or advice. We in no way want anyone to be hurt or have anyone feel uncomfortable for their opinion on this topic. We have lots of experience in racing motocross and we are excited that Skylar is finding a passion in MTB riding/racing. We are learning as we go and we are trying to develop a long term plan for Skylar's riding/racing career if that is what he so desires. We as his parents have to keep in mind that he is only 12 years old, and we feel that for the next 2-3 years that he should be developing his riding skills, getting comfortable on the track and learning the technics to maneuver around the other riders during the race. When you see Skylar in the race of 15 men ages 15-30 (mostly 17-30) you notice how little he still is and although he has some skill and endurance by the time he is 15 to 16 years old he should be bigger, stronger and be able to hold his own against them.

Skylar and dad really enjoy the rides out at Calavera with all their new found riding buddies, we hope you all will still support Skylar to be a better rider with your advice and encouragement on your weekly rides. We would like to thank Fred for thanking of Skylar and wanting to help him in this way and thank all of you who contributed.

We are not sure where to go from here with the sponsorship since it is already in motion but hope that a good solution can be found.

Author:  325racer [ Wed Mar 05, 2014 8:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dirt Sponsors: skywalker

Skylar should check out a book series called Speed Secrets. It is specifically geared toward racing cars, however 90% of it is about the mental game. The series also discusses fitness, marketing, and how to grow a career. As mentioned its written for automotive racing, but the fundamentals are the same.

Author:  Belizean [ Wed Mar 05, 2014 8:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dirt Sponsors: skywalker

@ Mr and Mrs, I must apologize for today's events, but the search for a quality wheel set will continue and be accomplished, regardless of the negativity experienced today; again, my apologizes. :thumbsup:

Author:  his highness [ Wed Mar 05, 2014 9:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dirt Sponsors: skywalker

dammit people!!!!....i go make a big bowl of popcorn, i log back on, and now its all Kum-bay-ya...what the hell?


Author:  OldDogDan [ Wed Mar 05, 2014 9:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dirt Sponsors: skywalker

Great response Luke (aka Skylar's dad)! And I agree with everything RHS said, even if point #2 could've been a little more diplomatic...But, hey, you all know him. Good intentions all around, his and yours, no need to get upset. Anyone who wants to help can contribute via Ld00d's widget link. Go ahead and sell something and give all or part of that as you wish. Let "Team Skywalker" use it as they wish. Go Skylar!

Author:  Belizean [ Sat Mar 08, 2014 9:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dirt Sponsors: skywalker

I'd like to thank everyone for their generosity, and kind support; it has been a wonderful experience, unforgettable to say the least. The mission was accomplished :thumbsup: I'll try to reach Luke and Sky to donate the wheel set on behave of DT, or it could be handled by a local Administrator. "We know how much hard work you guys put into this, and the money you invested, I must thank you all for the support"
New Easton EA 90 wheel set.

Author:  Augdogg [ Sat Mar 08, 2014 10:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dirt Sponsors: skywalker

For Fred:


Author:  skywalker [ Sun Mar 09, 2014 6:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dirt Sponsors: skywalker


I met with Fred today and received my wheel set. It is very cool, I want to thank everyone who donated, Fred, the administrator and Dirt Treaders for helping me out. I will get them all set up and will post pics when ready. I plan to do the QnD series starting in May. These wheels will only be used for 1 practice before race day and race day.

Thanks again for your support and kindness. :thumbsup:

Author:  Ld00d [ Sun Mar 09, 2014 7:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dirt Sponsors: skywalker

is Fred ever *not* wearing cycling shoes?

Author:  OldDogDan [ Sun Mar 09, 2014 7:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dirt Sponsors: skywalker

Ld00d wrote:
is Fred ever *not* wearing cycling shoes?

Pretty darn sure there's a photo of him in Crocs on here somewhere but I can't find it...
Mission accomplished nicely Fred, and a gracious thank you from Skylar. Someone is doing a fine job of raising that kid...

Author:  Belizean [ Sun Mar 09, 2014 7:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dirt Sponsors: skywalker

They caught me in the middle of my next project, a 25.4 lbs, 150 mm travel 26er. :thumbsup:


Author:  Canaan [ Sun Mar 09, 2014 8:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dirt Sponsors: skywalker

^^^ It makes perfect sense that you wear bike shoes to work on a bike.

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