Dirt Treaders

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Author:  badkittyjing [ Thu May 19, 2011 2:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: IRON MT....SANITIZED

^^^ :lol: :lol: :lol:

Author:  Red Hot Sloth [ Thu May 19, 2011 6:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: IRON MT....SANITIZED

evdog wrote:
RHS reminded us earlier what it says on our jerseys: Information. Does this include incomplete information? Outdated information? Or is it more responsible to wait a couple days to gather as much information as possible before letting the community know, so that they can take action knowing as much of the facts as possible. Knowing how people tend to react on forums, we thought it would be irresponsible to post up until we had better information. I tried explaining this to Pete, but he did not want to wait for all the info. Seeing how this train-wreck of a thread has gone, is that still your view?

I am satisfied with the direction of this thread. I dont consider it a trainwreck of a thread. Heated, yes, but not a train wreck. I find this to be a healthy dialog between concerned riders, if we censor this aspect we begin to lose the healthy nature of the dialog. Heated is fine, inflammatory could be the natural order of progression, but fortunatley it hasnt breached that line and I dont see the thread as being inflammatory.
I didnt care what the facts were other than, what happened and where as I know the pertinent information would be pesented with a little investigation. I'm sure if there were an initial TR with the normal stuff, without speculation posted, the thread would be the same as it is now with the exception of people pointing their fingers at SDMBA and its members, volunteers.
If any of you feel that I am wrong in allowing this "Information" to be posted at the time I did, well, I'm sorry you feel that way.
The "information" I was asking for wasnt intended to be in the context of.."why did you not tell us what the city of Poway did this, who's in charge there?", rather, the "Information" that I was asking why it wasnt posted was in the context of "Why isnt there a Treader Report, like most all TR's where we have pictures and descriptions of a ride we were recently on?"
So, other than we still have no Treader Report and 1st hand pictures, my view is unchanged.
If I werent too occupied with re-educating myself on a fulltime basis, I would have driven out there myself already and wrote a TR, not blaming whatever city official, park ranger or prisoner. I would have written a TR just like any other without blame but full of questions.
I dont know about the rest of you, but I dislike it when information is dispensed on a need-to-know basis when it couldnt hurt to dispense it without the need-to-know basis. This isnt sensitive material in the sense that it involves national security.
I dont blame SDMBA for allowing this to happen and I hope what I posted wasnt taken that way.

Author:  Scott Forty G. [ Thu May 19, 2011 10:24 pm ]
Post subject:  96


Author:  Sasqwatch [ Fri May 20, 2011 7:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: IRON MT....SANITIZED

After looking at the pictures above, there may not be any reason to be as upset as I was. That area will continue to erode and be back to normal after a couple rains. Mother Nature does not want smooth trails and there is little to nothing that can be done to keep that 'sidewalk' to the top as is. It still pissed me off that anyone can do some much trail work without any reason or notice.

Author:  badkittyjing [ Fri May 20, 2011 9:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: IRON MT....SANITIZED

I'm super bummed that last night was my first ride there. It had always been on my "to ride" list, but since it was preferred to be ridden on the weekdays, that made it difficult.

I have an idea of what it used to look like... you could actually see chunks of rock that were broken down and pushed off to the side of the trail. Disappointing.

There is still a fair amount of tech, but being that I'd never ridden there before I was told it was considerably less. I still think it was pretty fun though.

But after seeing what is there, I think what I'm most confused about is: If the work actually started in the winter, how is it that no word about this has reached the community until now? Did they really do it in such small increments that it was hardly noticeable to those that frequent it on more than a monthly basis? Or was there really such a drastic change over the weekend that it needed this emergency halt on trailwork?

Author:  rodster [ Fri May 20, 2011 9:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: IRON MT....SANITIZED

badkittyjing wrote:
But after seeing what is there, I think what I'm most confused about is: If the work actually started in the winter, how is it that no word about this has reached the community until now?

That's a very reasonable question. Surely other people have been riding it and saw what was going on (before Steve, Mark and Evan rode it last Friday). You'd think the word would have leaked but doesn't look like it did until steve rang the alarm bell and took action.

Speaking of bells, the church bell in the village just rang again. it's 6:30PM here. I'm done working for the week, I'm stoked to be riding tomorrow and the local watering house has good hefeweizen waiting for me.

Auf wiedersehen fraulein.

Author:  kevmortensen [ Fri May 20, 2011 9:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: IRON MT....SANITIZED

You guys that rode it yesterday also rode it 'wet' or 'moist' (for lack of a better term)
when that dirt dries it is like talcum power, loose soft powdery dirt.
I ran up there earlier in the week (I think Monday?) and it looked much worse than the pics that I see from last night.
Try it in a month and see how fun it is.

Author:  dft [ Fri May 20, 2011 10:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: IRON MT....SANITIZED

after seeing those pics, its so sad. iron is a shell of its former self.
i have been riding iron for a long time, well over 60+ times on that trail, used to never see any riders on it. i took aqua there for the first time and he initally didn't like it that much, but it grew on him to become one of his favorite trails. every year it got alittle more santized and then this. i should of inquired long time ago about it, but i didn't so i can blame myself for being passive about this issue. a real shame.

one can hope for monster storms to make new lines next winter:)

Author:  sierragoldens [ Fri May 20, 2011 12:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: IRON MT....SANITIZED

dft wrote:
i should of inquired long time ago about it, but i didn't so i can blame myself for being passive about this issue. a real shame.

Well said.

If you want to assign blame, then we are ALL at fault as a community. I am not the only one who saw MTBill's BLOG report for March 14, yet all I did was passively PM a few people about the blog report with a few questions and concerns and did nothing after that. I am to blame as much as anyone.

Author:  Evil Chocula [ Fri May 20, 2011 1:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: IRON MT....SANITIZED

Whats the motivation for these trail projects? It's bizarre to me, as this seems to be a non-issue in New England where the trails are waaaay rockier (well, at least on par with pre-sanitation Iron Mt). Not saying one region is better then the other, just pointing out that you'd expect more of these sanitations here then there, but it seems as if this happens regularly in SoCal.

Is it a liability thing? A result of heavy usage? Sucks no matter what.

Author:  random walk [ Fri May 20, 2011 1:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: IRON MT....SANITIZED

Evil Chocula wrote:
Whats the motivation for these trail projects? It's bizarre to me, as this seems to be a non-issue in New England where the trails are waaaay rockier (well, at least on par with pre-sanitation Iron Mt). Not saying one region is better then the other, just pointing out that you'd expect more of these sanitations here then there, but it seems as if this happens regularly in SoCal.

Is it a liability thing? A result of heavy usage? Sucks no matter what.

I don't know, but if it was a liability thing, I'd think that the hiker's trail on Cowles would have been sanitized a long time ago. Seems like every month or so someone is getting airlifted with a broken ankle or something like that.

Author:  moondogg [ Fri May 20, 2011 1:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: IRON MT....SANITIZED

Evil Chocula wrote:
Whats the motivation for these trail projects? It's bizarre to me, as this seems to be a non-issue in New England where the trails are waaaay rockier (well, at least on par with pre-sanitation Iron Mt). Not saying one region is better then the other, just pointing out that you'd expect more of these sanitations here then there, but it seems as if this happens regularly in SoCal.

Is it a liability thing? A result of heavy usage? Sucks no matter what.

I have a feeling it is the use or lose it method of government funding: The City of Poway P&R department had money they needed to spend and prison trail work crew willing to accept it. Add in a lack of oversight and a complete lack of trail science knowledge and you get.....

Author:  jSatch [ Fri May 20, 2011 1:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: IRON MT....SANITIZED

moondogg wrote:
Evil Chocula wrote:
Whats the motivation for these trail projects? It's bizarre to me, as this seems to be a non-issue in New England where the trails are waaaay rockier (well, at least on par with pre-sanitation Iron Mt). Not saying one region is better then the other, just pointing out that you'd expect more of these sanitations here then there, but it seems as if this happens regularly in SoCal.

Is it a liability thing? A result of heavy usage? Sucks no matter what.

I have a feeling it is the use or lose it method of government funding: The City of Poway P&R department had money they needed to spend and prison trail work crew willing to accept it. Add in a lack of oversight and a complete lack of trail science knowledge and you get.....

perfect storm.

too bad they didn't think to construct new trails with their surplus money / work force instead.

Author:  3blackbikes [ Fri May 20, 2011 2:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: IRON MT....SANITIZED

Well, I thought I posted something this morning that was on my mind, but I don't see it, so I'll repost my questions.

What was Poway's reason for the project in the first place? I would think it would have something to do with the insanely high volume of hikers/bikers/horses over-using a trail that is sensitive to soil erosion and in a high fire risk area. I trail run here a lot, especially in winter, and over the last few months have watched the water bars go from small bumps in the trail to huge eroded step-ups with lots of drainage ditches creating rivers of water down the middle of the trail. My thought was that maintenance is definitely needed on this trail in some sense to stave off further erosion and protect the ecosystem. Now, whether a prison crew or whoever was out there moving dirt and rocks around were trained in proper erosion control and trail maintenance remains to be answered.

Author:  Los [ Fri May 20, 2011 4:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: IRON MT....SANITIZED

random walk wrote:
I don't know, but if it was a liability thing, I'd think that the hiker's trail on Cowles would have been sanitized a long time ago. Seems like every month or so someone is getting airlifted with a broken ankle or something like that.

Cowles is a different ballgame because its in the city of SD. They prefer to sit and talk about doing something about it for atleast a year or two :lol:

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