Dirt Treaders

Sedona Trip - Day 3 - the Hangover
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Author:  evdog [ Wed Dec 02, 2009 2:34 am ]
Post subject:  Sedona Trip - Day 3 - the Hangover

OK, so we didn't actually have a hangover when we woke up, but we were out to find one. A trail named Hangover, that is. You may recall seeing MTB Bill post a video of this trail some time ago. While our pics will hopefully do this trail justice, there's nothing like seeing this trail in person. Simply incredible, and definitely ranks up there as one of my favorite rides of all time.

The trails up to Hangover started just outside the RV park. This pano shows the landscape above the RV park

Munds Wagon trail was our route up the top. It runs alongside and crosses Schnebly Hill Road several times. The trail was fun for awhile...

But shortly after this cool rock section turned almost unrideable. Loose baby heads would be the only way to describe it.

We endured it for awhile but took the road up the last bit to Merry Go Round. On the way, we came across Bjammin in his new jeep.

The flat rock formation on the right is called Cowpies

Again, incredible views

A couple craggly trees added to the scenery

From Merry Go Round we took the top part of Munds Wagon trail back down to the Cowpies connector. Much more fun and flowy going downhill

Our route took us up on top of Cowpies

The trail up top is hard to discern, and its really a free for all up to the top

More cool views

We finally found the trail to Damifino saddle

This seemed to be by far the most technical riding yet, mainly because a miscue could send you for a serious tumble

Even walking you had to be careful. Especially if you have cleats on your shoes. Go 5-10s!

Nearing the saddle the trail crosses and then switchbacks up a smooth rock slope. We lost the trail and basically hiked it straight up. There are switchbacks out there, somewhere...

Damifino Saddle

We start over the edge

Soon we find our goal for the day, Hangover trail

It does not disappoint. We're soon ducking under overhangs and trying to keep our balance rounding tight corners above steep dropoffs

In what appears to be an epic fail, Brent tries to push one out.

Beautifully built trail that must have taken a ton of work to create

We spent a lot of time taking pictures

And with a backdrop like that, why not?

GP_pilot passes a tricky corner

Vegetation did give us some protection

One of my favorite pics from the trip

Dennis rides a fun rock sequence

We had a bit of a time trying to find the trail off this slope

We soon did, and quickly found ourselves at the top of this fun descent

GP_pilot goes first

Then Brent

This took us down to the bottom of the rock formation

With just a bit more technical stuff to clear to get back to the road

I hereby name this Nipple Rock

Token handlebar shot. This part actually reminded me of tunnels and proved to be a fun ending to the trail.

We were soon dumped out on Schnebly Hill Road and had a decision to make. Some members of the group wanted to retrace our steps to Damifino Saddle and ride Damifino trail. Dennis was having no part of that, but with some arm-twisting and assurances that we could make it back before dark, I convinced GP_pilot and Brent to do the additional loop.

We soon found ourselves back on the technical stuff climbing back to the saddle. GP_pilot rolls a tricky off cambre rock roller.

Obviously this must be the source of one of the local vortexes.

Damifino seems even more sketchy than Hangover. It does not have quite the same exposure but it is definitely more technically difficult than Hangover was.

The trail opens up onto this rock shoulder.

I think I took about 30 pics of this same view.

Worth another shot

It was a little tricky following the trail down off the top, but lower down got easier.

I hadn't even realized there was a creek down there

We would soon get a close up

Well, some closer than others. Brent and I managed to cross with dry feet.

After Damifino we took Huckaby Trail back towards the campground. It had some stairs built on it and lots of technical stuff.

View from the upper lot.

Quickly running out of light

Then another obstacle. Sean had nothing to lose but Brent and I both took shoes off to keep them dry

After climbing over a couple ridgelines the sun disappeared and we were plunged into darkness. Thankfully Brent brought his light.

As we rode back to camp we had a light sprinkle of rain. This soon turned into a full on deluge. I was just glad that we were not perched precariously on the side of a mountain when the rain hit!

Author:  badkittyjing [ Wed Dec 02, 2009 8:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sedona Trip - Day 3 - the Hangover

Great pictures. Definitely better than the phone picture updates I was getting from dennis throughout the weekend (which still made me jealous regardless).

Author:  Robo [ Wed Dec 02, 2009 9:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sedona Trip - Day 3 - the Hangover

Oh so jealous. Terrain and views just seem like paradise.

Author:  406 [ Wed Dec 02, 2009 10:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sedona Trip - Day 3 - the Hangover

nice! looks like fun.

Author:  Kimba [ Wed Dec 02, 2009 11:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sedona Trip - Day 3 - the Hangover

Extremely nice pics and TR! I am puckered to my chair now, thanks.

Author:  bankerboy [ Wed Dec 02, 2009 12:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sedona Trip - Day 3 - the Hangover

I have found my next road trip!

Author:  Dirt Mogul [ Wed Dec 02, 2009 1:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sedona Trip - Day 3 - the Hangover

WOW! Thanks for the fantastic pics!

Can't wait, I'll be there between Christmas and New Year.

Author:  bajamtnbkr [ Wed Dec 02, 2009 1:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sedona Trip - Day 3 - the Hangover

So when are we going to Sedona?
Great job Evan, you got some wonderful shots, thanks for taking the time to post them, I know it takes some work. :thumbsup:

Author:  wirk242 [ Wed Dec 02, 2009 1:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sedona Trip - Day 3 - the Hangover

Wow that looks like some fun shit... another place I want to go to next year.

Author:  Phonger [ Wed Dec 02, 2009 2:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sedona Trip - Day 3 - the Hangover

incredible pictures!

Author:  Canaan [ Wed Dec 02, 2009 3:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sedona Trip - Day 3 - the Hangover

Nicely done -- this is my favorite TR by a country mile.

Author:  Ozz [ Wed Dec 02, 2009 3:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sedona Trip - Day 3 - the Hangover

Awesome pics Evan.......I've been fortunate to have ridden in Sedona before.....I think its a must place to go ride before you die.......don't wash the red dirt off your bike for a while.....

Unfortunately, the first time I rode there then came back to my local trails, it was pretty depressing............ :cry:


Author:  Scott Forty G. [ Wed Dec 02, 2009 8:39 pm ]
Post subject:  54


Author:  luna [ Wed Dec 02, 2009 9:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sedona Trip - Day 3 - the Hangover

I need to get some of that red dirt.

Author:  dennis [ Wed Dec 02, 2009 10:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sedona Trip - Day 3 - the Hangover

In addition to getting flats, I also managed to snap a few shots...












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