Dirt Treaders

Interesting Article/Concept in Oct MountainBike Action
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Author:  Slowgrind [ Wed Nov 14, 2012 11:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Interesting Article/Concept in Oct MountainBike Action

his highness wrote:
hikers can go climb stairs at Horton Plaza, and the equestrians can go have beasteality sex with their horses behind their horse trailers....the trails are for US!!!


Author:  his highness [ Wed Nov 14, 2012 11:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Interesting Article/Concept in Oct MountainBike Action

Belizean wrote:
There is a God, a bone shall be broken in the very near future my brotha. "Watch what mi tell yo" he works in mysterious ways. Youth, and the feeling of invincibilty, shows immaturity in a man. Ride On.

you just insulted me didnt you....

Author:  Belizean [ Thu Nov 15, 2012 12:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Interesting Article/Concept in Oct MountainBike Action

his highness wrote:
Belizean wrote:
There is a God, a bone shall be broken in the very near future my brotha. "Watch what mi tell yo" he works in mysterious ways. Youth, and the feeling of invincibilty, shows immaturity in a man. Ride On.

you just insulted me didnt you....

That is funny as fuck :lol:

Author:  EBasil [ Thu Nov 15, 2012 7:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Interesting Article/Concept in Oct MountainBike Action

Gon wrote:
What I took away from the article that I agreed with is that a) Guys bombing multi-use trails on bikes overbuilt for the trail they are on is in the long run only going to work against the whole Mt.Bike community. b)It's always the bikers that get screwed. c) If we don't find a way to regulate ourselves, somebody is going to do it for(to) us.

Me too. I don't agree with what I'd call "green stickering" as a method to regulate, but the underlying analysis is good.

Author:  his highness [ Thu Nov 15, 2012 10:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Interesting Article/Concept in Oct MountainBike Action

EBasil wrote:

Me too. I don't agree with what I'd call "green stickering" as a method to regulate, but the underlying analysis is good.

Basil, I know you said you didnt agree with it, and I am glad to hear that. But regardless, I still maintain that ANY type or form of regulation or restriction for a bicycle is absolute BS. In all seriousness, I cant even believe you people are still discussing this, much less even consider it a good idea.
Its a bicycle for crying outloud, it does not pollute, it does not clog up roadways. It does nothing more than leave a slight tire track on the dirt...much less worse than hoof print holes and 4x4 trucks tearing up vegetation.
If you really agree with regulating bicycles in any way shape or form, you are essentially condoning the State's definition of it being a 'mechanized vehicle' and therefore not being allowed on trails.
That ^^^^^^^^^ definition is the fuckin reason we are not allowed to ride our bikes on trails currently, so any further restrictions (along these lines) will only be an adjective to that definition and cut our trail access even further... if you agree with that, then YOU are the enemy as well.

For those that are not familiar with 'green sticker' and 'red sticker' registration (for motorcycles), it is an absolute bullshit system with no rhyme or reason. In california, any dirtbike prior to 2003 is a green sticker, anything post 2002 is a red sticker.
I own two dirt bikes that pollute the exact same amount, same motor, same everything. one is manufactured in 2002 (green sticker) and the other in 2003 (red sticker).
I can ride the green sticker bike all year long, but the red sticker i can only ride from Nov. to April.....explain that bullshit to me...please.
Oh i almost forgot...both of my bikes are strictly off road bikes, not street bikes or dual sports. But i still have to register them every year and i can only ride them in 'certain' areas....and those 'certain areas' are less than 10 places in all of southern Cali.....EXPLAIN THAT TO ME AS WELL ....PLEASE.

In my opinion, if i pay registration, every year, i should be able to ride them in more places than if i didnt pay....right? so how did i get fucked on that one?

You guys are idiots if you think paying money to the state will give you more access or will be a benefit in any way shape or form.

Author:  EBasil [ Thu Nov 15, 2012 10:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Interesting Article/Concept in Oct MountainBike Action

Note that the only person who's advocated the "sticker system" in this thread is the author of the article...and he hasn't actually posted here.

As to regulation of trail use, I do believe in it. I believe we should have plenty of great trails, be allowed to share them, and that we should stay on them. (If anyone disagrees with that, you are a communist vegan who secretly voted for Osama Bin Laden and if you deny this, it only proves it's true.)

Author:  Slowgrind [ Thu Nov 15, 2012 10:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Interesting Article/Concept in Oct MountainBike Action

Did the last election not illustrate the group-think here? California has a super-majority of Dems in the Legislature, who have never seen a tax or regulation they didn't like. The a-hole electorate also just voted themselves higher taxes after being duped by Moonbeam Brown that the schools will now be saved. The corporate taxes in California just went up, which will be passed on to the consumers (us, the little guys). And the moronic cap-and-trade scheme just kicked in today, which has nothing to do with so-called climate change, and everything to do with extracting additional billions from California business and consumers (us, the little guys) under another bull___ propaganda scheme (this one by Schwarzenegger).

All of this nonsense is in California alone. I haven't even mentioned the crap at the federal level, which also is attacking the producers and making us all that much poorer, day by day by day...

But hell, we've gotta tax mountain biking for our own good. Unbelievable.

Author:  OhNooo [ Thu Nov 15, 2012 11:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Interesting Article/Concept in Oct MountainBike Action

Like clockwork Slowgrind... Every thread on DT becomes a Dem bash session. Keep up the good work! :thumbsup:

Author:  Slowgrind [ Thu Nov 15, 2012 11:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Interesting Article/Concept in Oct MountainBike Action

If Repubs were in power, I'd be bashing them. Just looking at the ones implementing this crap.

I know how this board hates diversity of thought....

Author:  OhNooo [ Thu Nov 15, 2012 11:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Interesting Article/Concept in Oct MountainBike Action

Slowgrind wrote:
I know how this board hates repetition of thought....

Fixed it for ya. :thumbsup:

Author:  Slowgrind [ Thu Nov 15, 2012 11:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Interesting Article/Concept in Oct MountainBike Action

Repetition is "tax and regulate."

Author:  Ld00d [ Thu Nov 15, 2012 11:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Interesting Article/Concept in Oct MountainBike Action

Slowgrind wrote:
I know how this board hates diversity of thought....

This is demonstrably false. Look no further than this thread.

Author:  his highness [ Thu Nov 15, 2012 12:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Interesting Article/Concept in Oct MountainBike Action

i hate cats....just sayin

Author:  jSatch [ Thu Nov 15, 2012 2:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Interesting Article/Concept in Oct MountainBike Action

my take home message from this thread:

we need more trails

.............and cake

Author:  k2rider [ Thu Nov 15, 2012 3:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Interesting Article/Concept in Oct MountainBike Action

Count me in with the group that thinks it's absolutely silly to "regulate" or try to "manage" mountain bikers with some type or registration or "green sticker" program. Like others have mentioned, it's just another form of tax. The green sticker is a straight up tax and the gov't said they were going to use the $$ to buy land to INCREASE our riding areas. What they did instead was use the money to pay for overtime for Rangers to write more tickets. You can bet your last dime that the same thing would occur if there was ever any attempt to register bicycles....

That being said, the attitudes and demeanor of some posters on here lead me to believe that if they were in charge....EVERYTHING would already be closed.

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